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Repurpose It celebrated five years in operation by donating garden mix soil and compost to five community gardens in the City of Whittlesea.

Since its inception, Repurpose It has recycled more than 2.5 million tonnes of waste.
Repurpose It delivered soil and compost to Whittlesea Community Garden, Lalor Community Garden, Links Community Garden Lalor, Little Learners Education Centre, and Creed Farm Community Garden.

“We couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate five years in business than by giving back to the community. We are proud of our partnership with the City of Whittlesea and are thrilled to have a long-term contract in place to process the councils Food Organics and Garden Organics and residential garden organics.”

“This initiative is a great way to show the local community how their food and garden waste can be regenerated into useful resources that can be used in the community for a second and even a third life.”

“The soil and compost we deliver can now be used in the community to grow more food and plants that eventually come back to us to be repurposed. This is a true circular economy in action, which is really exciting”, said George Hatzimanolis, Co-Founder & CEO of Repurpose It.

This is one of the many innovative ways that Repurpose It are working with councils and communities.

This initiative is just one way to show the community how Repurpose It is working in innovative ways with food and garden organics. The community gardens initiative allows the local community to receive high quality soil amendments and compost into their gardens. Additionally, and importantly, this resilient system allows the community to be a part of the circular economy journey which is fantastic for business, residents and the environment.

“The circular economy is the way of the future. Community gardens can tell their gardeners and community members that the products (soil & compost) were made using food and garden organic resources from local residents – something all stakeholders should be very proud of.”

“We are always looking to engage with the local community, especially where we can work with the local council on their recycling programs. We’d love to invite anyone who lives in the City of Whittlesea to drop off their hard green waste directly to us (at Repurpose It) where we will transform it into a premium products. We hope this helps individuals personally feel part of the circular economy”.

The resources received at Repurpose It are recovered from various commercial and residential sites. The material are then screened, blended with internally produced products, tested and supplied back to the market.

“We offer a fully integrated solution that uses 100% organic material that we recycle into premium landscaping materials. We’re not just diverting waste but also improving soil health. It’s important to highlight that those various streams would usually go to landfill but what we receive is repurposed and then the quality soils are supplied back to the community. We believe this not only protects and regenerates but also helps communities to flourish well into the future”, said George Hatzimanolis.