Putting pen to paper, I reflect on the year that was and the months to come for Repurpose It and the broader waste management industry.
Looking back, what have been some key learnings from 2020?
Despite throwing its fair share of curveballs, we’ve been able to take out some key learnings from the year that was. Notably, the importance of securing stable and sustainable end markets for recycled waste materials.
For Repurpose It, our key advantage in this space was our supply chain relationship within our existing shareholder networks across logistics, road maintenance and landscape material supply. We’ll bring this learning into 2021 with plans for new investments and acquisitions, allowing us to expand our geographic footprint and distribution networks.
Now looking to the future, what are Repurpose It’s goals and aspirations for 2021?
First and foremost, we want to continue off the momentum of what was a fantastic 2020 for Repurpose It, in terms of growing our organisational capabilities and brand value.
Off the back of our Premier’s Sustainability Awards and Northern Business Achiever Awards wins, as well as recently awarded Sustainability Victoria grants and Co-operative Research grant funding, a key goal of 2021 is growing and diversifying beyond construction materials. Specifically, we plan on venturing into organics, made possible through our tender with Whittlesea Council.
Finally, as our team grows, we will focus on recruiting top talent, who share Repurpose It’s passion and vision for preserving our resource for the next generation.
What do you expect will be Repurpose It’s biggest challenges in 2021?
Regardless of the promise of a new, fresh year, the uncertainty around the impacts of COVID-19 continues to be a challenge faced by the entire industry.
However, closer to home, Repurpose It’s new venture into organic waste will inevitably come with its challenges. As local government authorities roll out FOGO collection across our communities a lot of education will be needed as to the importance of reducing contamination and effective recycling practices. We see this challenge as an opportunity to lead through intense community and industry engagement on the importance of correct recycling and also an opportunity for our team to grow and expand on our organisational expertise in the way we interact with our key stakeholders.
What aspects of Repurpose It’s culture will be most important in 2021?
Our innovative spirit and willingness to challenge the status quo will continue to be at the heart of Repurpose It’s culture, particularly as we look to expanding our team in 2021.
We will carry on with our commitment to investing in the world’s most advanced processing technology to convert waste to resources that drive a better environmental outcome. We want to set new standards for utilising technology, not only in Australia but internationally.
What trends in waste management do you expect to see in 2021?
Increasingly, we’re seeing a spotlight on traceability and transparency around resource recovery rates.
Lead by new legislation and stronger regulation on resource recovery operators, a focus for the industry in 2021 will be accountability on resource recovery, which is a very positive step forward for the industry.
With many existing projects in the pipeline, we’re very excited for the year ahead. Watch this space.